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Potential Causes of Penis Pain

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When it comes to a penis subject, things could get a little complicated. There might be a time when you feel the pain seizing between your legs, but you probably have no idea what’s going on down there. Luckily, we have brought you common types of penis pain and their potential causes.

Pain at The Tip of Penis

If you’re lucky, this could just be the result of a little soap or shampoo slipping inside the opening at the end of your penis. If the pain doesn’t go away after a day or two, it could be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), especially if it’s accompanied by a green-ish or white-ish discharge.

Pain at The Scrotum

Varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within your scrotum that heats up your testicles and causes tenderness or a dull pain. Blood collecting due to the scrotal veins enlarging can hurt your ability to produce sperm and testosterone. If you have this condition, you need to see doctor.

A Burn During Urination

The worst-case scenario is that you’re dealing with bladder cancer. Pain during urination and blood in the urine can cause a rusty discoloration. A more common cause, however, is a urinary tract infection (UTI), which happens when bacteria finds its way into your urethra. Another possibility is that you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like gonorrhea.

Pain Penis Curve

While many men are born with a slight curvature or bend in their penis, a more extreme curvature is seen in men with Peyronie’s disease, and it usually appears in middle age. It’s caused by fibrotic scar, or plaque, that has formed within the penis, creating the bend. The exact cause of Peyronie’s disease isn’t entirely clear, but some researchers believe the plaque can form after an erect penis has been abnormally hit or bent during sex or athletic activity.

                If the pain is persistent, it’s better to seek help from doctors. However, for daily penis care, we recommend St. Herb Butea Gel as it contains flavonoids and flavonoids glycosides from Butea Superba extract and many other phytochemicals from plentiful natural herbal extracts to help maintain your genital area health.

Credit: Men Health

#Men #SexualHealth #PenisPain #StHerbCosmetics #ButeaSuperba

Exercises For Curvy Waist

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Many women wish to have a curvy waist because it makes them look sexy. However, getting a curvy waist is not easy since you have to eliminate the fat in the specific area which makes it even harder for you to shrink your waist. But, don’t worry, today we have gathered you some exercise that will help to get the curve of your dream. 


Tightening this muscle with ab exercises helps shrink your waist. Exercise burns calories and adds muscle, and muscle burns fat even while you’re resting. One ab exercise that works the rectus abdominus is the crunch done on a lying crunch machine such as one you will find at your gym. Simply lie face up on the bench and place your legs onto the leg pad with the knees bent. Grab the handles next to your head with your arms bent and then squeeze your abs to pull your head and shoulders toward your knees.


The obliques are the muscles on the sides of your waist. Toning the obliques therefore helps create a slim line on the waist. You also may benefit from diet modification if there is a lot of fat on your waist. Side crunches are a simple body weight exercise for the obliques.

Outer Thighs

Exercises for the outer thighs tones the glutes and hips, creating a curved shape. The outer thighs are known as the hip abductors. Using a weight machine for hip abduction is an easy way to work this muscle group.

Exercises to Avoid

Certain exercises make your waist stronger but also thicker. Adding weight to exercises for the obliques increases the size of these muscles, making the waist bigger. Examples include side bending, or lateral flexion, and twisting exercises such as side bends, cable rotations and oblique crunches. Do not use dumbbells or machines for these exercises. You may add resistance to abdominal exercises because the abs consist of a thin layer of muscular tissue that cannot grow in size like the other major muscles of your body.

To help you get rid of fat and cellulite around your waist, we recommend St. Herb Body Shape Gel. The gel is very useful for slimming up your body to get in shape, providing warming effect that activates the process of metabolism to burn out unwanted fat as well as preventing and diminishing the accumulation of fat deposits, cellulite and any other troublesome skin like lumps and bumps.

Credit: Live Strong

#StHerbCosmetics #BodyShapeGel #Cellulite #Fat #Fitness #CurvyWaist

Reasons You’re Not Building Muscle

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Want to get bulky? If you want to go from skinny to bulky, you’ve come to the right place. For very thin men, it might be a struggle for them to put on muscle. There are mistakes and misunderstanding that need to be addressed, so you can start growing big and strong. Here are key mistakes skinny guys make.

Not Eating Enough

If you’re not getting bigger, you are not eating enough. This one solution will account for 95% of most skinny men and women who are looking to get bigger. As for what you should be eating, depending on how skinny you are – you can get away with eating junk food as long as you’re getting enough protein and calories.

Setting Unrealistic Expectation

People often have unrealistic expectations when it comes to naturally building muscle. Stop setting big goals by the week or month. It’s time to think in terms of months and years. Muscle isn’t built in a matter of days or weeks. It’s going to take time, and it’s going to take patience.

Not Having Solid Plan

You need a plan, a plan that is balanced, and provides you with big movements that stimulate growth all over your body. It’s better to pick a basic plan and stick with it for months and months and months, than jump around from week to week chasing the newest shiny object.

Not Doing Enough

If you are trying to get bigger, you might not be doing enough in the gym or in the park to stimulate muscle growth. No matter what, you need to be doing heavier weight, or doing more repetitions in order to challenge your body, breakdown muscle fiber, and force your body to rebuild stronger.

Not Recovering Enough

When you train your strength, your muscles break down and need to be rebuilt over the next 24-48 hours. Sleep is a key part of this process. Without it, your body can’t recover, and you can’t grow.

Plus, one thing that you need to consider is taking dietary supplement that helps you increase muscle mass. Try St. Herb Butea Superba Capsules to support nutrition in your body as it consists of various health-supporting herbal extracts and Butea Superba extract that is high in flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides. A nourishment from St. Herb Butea Superba Capsules will strengthen your body and help you achieve your goals.

Order now at https://stherb.com/product/men-series/stherb-butea-superba-capsules.html

Credit: Nerd Fitness

#Fitness #StHerbCosmetics #BuildingMuscle #ButeaSuperba #MenHealth

Foods For Better Sex

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Consuming unhealthy food can do more than wrecking your health because it also kills your sex capability that causes erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can occur to any men, especially among older men. However, it’s preventable only if you know how to eat right. These are some foods to get a boost below the belt.


Your morning coffee may improve your sex life. This is due to the fact that drinking coffee helps the arteries in your penis relax and blood flow to increase, producing an effect similar to ED drugs like Viagra.

Salmon, Egg Yolks, and Fortified Milk

Your penis needs vitamin D, and these foods are great sources of it. Study found that free testosterone levels—the powerhouse behind your sex drive—significantly increased in men loading up with vitamin D.

Pistachios, Almonds, and Walnuts

Pistachios contain a high amount of an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide in your body. And like almonds, walnuts, and most other nuts, they’re a great source of healthy fats, which are good for your heart and therefore your penis.

Blueberries and Oranges

These two foods are packed with certain flavonoids—anthocyanins, flavanones, and flavones that help improve the health of your blood vessels by relaxing your arteries.

Legumes, Whole Grains, and Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet can help you drop a few pounds, and a healthy body weight is linked to stronger erections. That’s because extra weight can harm your vascular function, which interrupts blood flow to your penis. It’s particularly great at reducing belly fat, which raises your risk of heart disease.

Another recommendation from us today to prevent you from erectile dysfunction is St. Herb Butea Gel. Enriched in Butea Superba extract and other phytochemicals from natural herbs, the gel brings back male confidence and pleasure by stimulating the vasodilating effects in the genital area, providing you strong and prolonged erections.

Order now at https://stherb.com/product/men-series/stherb-butea-gel.html

Credit: Men Health

#ButeaSuperba #StHerbCosmetics #StHerbButeaGel #ErectileDysfuctional #MenHealth #FoodForHealth

How To Stop Junk-Food Craving

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Do you struggle with junk food craving? Everybody experiences junk food craving once in their lives and it definitely isn’t the best experience, especially for people who wish to lose weight. No wonder that eating junk food can sabotage your weight loss effort, but there are ways to help you control it. Here are some clever tips to stop you from junk food craving.

Deal with Your Trigger Foods

It’s much easier to give in to temptation when the food you crave is within easy reach. So, don’t keep unhealthy foods you tend to crave in your kitchen or at your desk at work or wherever you are.

Don’t Skip Meals

Having a tummy that’s not growling makes it easier to ward off your cravings, so don’t skip your regular meals. Start with a healthy breakfast and follow up with a nutritious lunch and dinner. And it’s okay to include some snacks as long as they’re good for you.

Drink Water or a Low-Cal Beverage

Drinking a tall glass of water might serve as a distraction or it might solve your craving without adding any calories. If plain water sounds boring, add a slice or two of lemon, lime or cucumber. Or sip on iced tea (without the added sugar).

Brush Your Teeth

Flossing and brushing might just be a distraction, but having a clean mouth and fresh breath might be enough to make you not want to indulge in something sugary or greasy. If you’re not at home, using breath mints might just do the trick.

Chew Gum or Hard Candy

A stick of gum or a piece of hard candy doesn’t have many calories, and the flavor might be all that you need to get past your sweet craving. If you crave for junk food, just keep yourself busy. Do anything to distract yourself from that craving. Also, take St. Herb Breast Capsules twice a day to maintain nutritional support to your body. The capsules contain Pueraria Mirifica Extract which is rich in estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens, bringing about the increase and balance of hormonal levels for healthier body.

Order now at https://stherb.com/product/stherb-breast-capsules-60-capsules.html

Credit: Very Well Fit

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Is Celery Juice Really Healthy?

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You probably have seen a healthy trend on social media about 7-day or even 30-day celery juice challenge. Many people are so hyped about this trend that it becomes viral all over the world. Drinking celery juice continuously is believed to give your body a healthy boost, but is it really good or just a hype? Let’s found out here.

What’s in celery juice?

Celery juice contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, electrolytes, water and smaller amounts of other vitamins and minerals. It also contains health-boosting flavonoids and other phytochemicals. However, some of them will be lost when fiber is removed during juicing. Not to mention that you’ll be missing out on all the other health benefits of fiber that can help you with:

– feeling full

– sparking weight loss

– balancing your blood sugar levels

– maintaining healthy cholesterol levels

– feeding the good bacteria in your gut and boosting your immune system

– helping reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes

One of pros of drinking celery juice is that you can consume a larger portion faster with less volume, making it easier to eat more of a certain food which therefore allows you to take in a higher level of vitamins and minerals.

However, it contains high salt content, so you must be mindful of the sodium as a high-sodium diet may increase blood pressure and cause fluid retention, both of which can contribute to more severe health issues.

And as usual, don’t forget to take St. Herb Breast Capsules every day to help gain nutritious support from Pueraria Mirifica Extract for healthy hair, skin, and bone structure. Continual use of capsules can enhance breast youthfulness and volume.

Buy Now at https://stherb.com/product/stherb-breast-capsules-60-capsules.html

Credit: HealthLine

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Traits Women Find Attractive In Men

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For men, understanding what women want in them can be difficult. Some women typically choose better looking guys. Some love guys who have great sense of humor. If you want to know what qualities in men that women find attractive, just keep reading.

An Ability to Enjoy the Present Moment.

It is so attractive when a man can put his phone down, turn off the TV, shut down the computer and just enjoy being present. It is nice to be connected and be able to access almost any information that we need at the drop of a dime, but to be able to shut down without getting antsy to get back to Facebook or football is something you don’t come by too often.

Knowing Your Purpose

Nothing is sexier than a man who isn’t afraid to go for what he was sent here to do. There are a ton of men out there who believe they need to be big strong men and do what they were taught, but it takes a truly special man to put himself out there and follow what he was meant to do.

A Man Who is Motivated and Driven

Ambition is something that women find very attractive in men. Not ambition in the sense that you knock other people down to build yourself up, but in the fact that you will work hard to get what you want and help others to do the same thing. Sense of Humor Women want a guy who values what a good laugh can do for your body and soul. Women truly appreciate men who can make them laugh and laugh at themselves too.

A Man Who Takes Care of Himself

Something that is so attractive in men is when they take care of themselves. Now that doesn’t mean you have to be pumping iron all day, every day, but to really know what types of foods you’re putting into your body and how to take care of it is pretty darn sexy.

For that, you may consider trying St. Herb Butea Superba Capsules, a male dietary supplement that contains Butea Superba Extract which is rich in flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides, helping support nutrition in male body for better health and sex capacity.

Click for more information: https://stherb.com/product/men-series/stherb-butea-superba-capsules.html

Credit: Life Hack

#ButeaSuperba #MaleDietarySupplement #StHerbCosmetics #AttractiveMen #Men #MenHealth

Common Side Effects Of Erectile Dysfunction Medications

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For those who use erectile dysfunction medications, it is typical for you to experience side effects caused by these pills. Although they might help you treat ED, but there are side effects that you need to be aware before using. Here are 6 of the most common side effects from ED medications.


Headaches are the most common side effect associated with ED medications. The sudden change in blood flow from the increased levels of nitric oxide causes the headaches. If you have headaches from your ED drug, talk to your doctor about how to prevent them.

Body Aches and Pains

Some people have muscle aches and pains throughout their bodies while taking ED medications. Others have reported specific pain in their lower back. If you have these types of pain while taking ED medication, over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication may help.

Digestive System Problems

Your ED medication may cause uncomfortable digestive system side effects. The most common are indigestion and diarrhea. To help relieve minor problems, consider making dietary changes to reduce upset stomach. Drinking water instead of caffeinated beverages, alcohol, or juice may help.


The dizziness caused by ED medications is generally mild. However, any dizziness can cause discomfort during everyday activities. In rare cases, dizziness from ED medications has led to fainting, which can become a serious health issue. You should tell your doctor if you experience dizziness while taking ED medications.

Vision Changes

ED medications can change the way you see things — literally. They can temporarily alter your eyesight and even cause blurry vision. ED medications aren’t recommended if you have had vision loss, or a retinal disorder called retinitis pigmentosa.

Congestion and Runny Nose

Congestion or a runny or stuffy nose can be a common symptom of ED medications. In most cases, these side effects go away without treatment. Talk to your doctor if they persist.

Since ED medications can cause negative side effects, we recommend St. Herb Butea Superba Capsules, a male dietary supplement rich in Butea Superba Extract that doesn’t cause any side effects and can be served as alternative hormone to naturally relieve the symptoms of andropause and impotence.

Order now at https://stherb.com/product/men-series/stherb-butea-superba-capsules.html

Credit: Health Line

#ButeaSuperba #MaleImpotence #ErectileDysfunction #StHerbCosmetics #SideEffects

Things in Women Men Find Irresistible

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If you’ve ever gone on a date with someone and ended up badly, you might want to read this article. The first question you should ask yourself whenever you want to start hitting on someone is what you can do to make yourself attractive. Luckily, there are certain things that can help you succeed in love. Let’s take a look on things that men find irresistible.


If you can’t change anything about your physical appearance, learning to boost your confidence is an instant upgrade that delivers results every time. Not only do men see you differently, but you see yourself differently as well.

Eye Contact

This, actually, is a great way to illustrate your confidence. A shy woman who is sure a man isn’t interested in her will keep her eyes down and maybe steal glances from afar. A confident woman, on the other hand, will look him right in the eye and smile.


Humor and laughter are definitely components of attraction. Scientists have found that while women want a man who can make them laugh, men want women who laugh at their jokes. So, if you find a guy funny, by all means, let him know by giving a chuckle.

Leverage the Power of Scent

Scent is, after all, one of the biggest components of attraction, subtle though it may be. Different scents can create different responses in terms of appeal. Rose oil, vanilla, lily of the valley, and fruit scents are all appealing to men.

Keep Parts of You a Mystery

Men like a little mystery, and it gives them more to look forward to learning about you over time. You can also create mystery around what’s currently happening in your life. If you just started dating a man and you haven’t established exclusivity, you can leave him wondering who you were out with.

Another important part of women that most men find very attracting is a large, firm and perky breast. Therefore, nourish your breast everyday with St. Herb Breast Cream that can help you gain round breasts with fullness and beautiful shape naturally.

Buy yours now at https://stherb.com/product/stherb-breast-cream-100-g.html

Credit: Sexy Confidence

#PuerariaMirifica #StHerbCosmetics #BreastCream #WomenTips #AttractiveWomen #BreastEnlargement

Classic Ways to Age Gracefully

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What does it mean to age gracefully? It means that as you get older, you should live your best life, being able to enjoy the physical and mental health you have. Just like a bottle of wine, you can get better with age, but only with the right care. Here are some useful tips to help you age gracefully from the inside out.

Be Kind to Your Skin

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. If you treat it with care, it can better protect your body from the elements, regulate your body temperature, and provide sensation. To keep it looking and functioning at its best, wear sunscreen and protective clothing when outside, stick to gentle products in your anti-aging skin care routine and most importantly stay hydrated.


Regular exercise significantly lowers your risk of diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, and helps you retain your mobility longer. Exercise also lowers stress and improves sleep, skin and bone health, and mood. Older adults should also focus on activities that include balance training in addition to aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises.

Mind Your Diet

Healthy foods are the way to go when it comes to aging gracefully. The recommendation for healthy foods is fruits, lean protein and at least three ounces of whole-grain cereals, breads, rice, or pasta every day.

Mental Health Matters

Being happy and keeping your stress down goes a long way in helping you live and age well. To keep your mood elevated, spend time with friends and loved ones, accept your age and take the time to engage in activities you enjoy, fueling yourself with happiness.       

See a doctor regularly

Seeing a doctor regularly can help the doctor find problems early or even before they start. How often you see a doctor depends on your age, lifestyle, family history, and existing conditions. Ask your doctor how often you should go in for checkups and screening tests as you age.

Also, take St. Herb Butea Superba Capsules daily to gain body healthiness. St. Herb Butea Superba Capsules is a male dietary supplement that contains Butea Superba Extract which is rich in flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides, helping support nutrition in male body.

Order now at https://stherb.com/product/men-series/stherb-butea-superba-capsules.html

Credit: Health Line

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