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Breasts and Pregnancy; Will They be the same afterwards?

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Understanding the Changes and How to Deal with Them

During pregnancy, your breasts undergo a series of changes – This is nothing to be alarmed by. It is simply mother nature’s way of preparing you for the birth of your child and allowing you to develop enough milk to feed your wonderful baby. Understanding these changes and learning about how you can live with them is extremely important, and will help you cope with this challenging time, and give the best breastfeeding experience to your newborn. 

How to Deal with Sore Nipples from Nursing

Sore nipples may be a result of a poor latch, or simply that your child is being a little rough, or maybe you are overfeeding and your nipples are simply not coping with the relentless use. There are many creams and ointments available that will greatly help to reduce the soreness of your nipples and to keep them smooth and stop cracking. If the problem persists after using cream, then consider seeing a lactation consultant who can help to improve your baby’s latch. 

How to Deal with Aching Breasts During Breastfeeding

If your breasts are aching a great deal after your pregnancy, you more than likely have an excess of milk that needs to be released. During this time your breasts will continually produce milk due to the increase in hormones -You must not let this milk build up otherwise you will experience aches. If nursing is not providing a sufficient release, consider pumping your milk or putting ice packs on your breasts to relieve the sore feeling. 

What Does a Hard, Painful Red Spot on my Breast Mean?

This will in most cases mean you simply have a blocked milk duct, or you have a small yeast infection. Babies (No matter how beautiful and clean they are!) attract bacteria – And their mouths are full of them! Couple this together with the tiny breaks in the skin of your breasts and you can soon end up with a place for that bacteria to develop. If you notice a hard, red spot anywhere on your breast, it is advisable to go to the doctors – They can prescribe antibiotics to help clear any infection. Also, ensure you keep a regular flow of milk from your breasts to keep your ducts from becoming blocked. 

Is There any Kind of bra That I Should Avoid Wearing?

Surely the kind of bra you wear doesn’t matter? Well, it can make a difference! As the milk ducts in your breasts extend to your rib cage, the type of bra you wear is quite important. Ensure you stay away from bras with an underwire – The metal wire can dig into your rib cage and chest and affect how you breastfeed due to the pressure being applied on your milk ducts. 

How to Deal with Sagging Breasts

There are many influencing factors that can affect how your breasts “sag” – Weight, heredity and initial size before pregnancy to name a few. To help control sag and to ensure your breasts stay as perky as possible, ensure you try to control your weight gain and make sure of a supportive bra. Aside from this, there is not much else you can do – It is a natural process for women to go through. But you can also deal with it by applying some breast firming products such as St. Herb Breast Serum that aims to provide elasticity and tighten up your breasts.

Why Do my Breasts Appear Asymmetrical?

Many women will have one breast that is slightly larger or smaller than the other – This is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of! During your pregnancy, you may notice that the disparity in your breast sizes appears larger – This is due to those wonderful hormones again! A smaller breast will be less receptive to hormones, and a larger breast will be more so; therefore, if you have asymmetrical breasts to start with, the difference may be pronounced. 

How to Avoid Stretch Marks on Your Breasts

Despite popular opinion, stretch marks are generally a hereditary trait and there are instances where you simply might not be able to avoid getting them no matter what you do. Stretch marks are created when your skin (particularly the elastin and collagen) stretches beyond the point of being able to snap back. To help soften the appearance of stretch marks, there are breast cares available such as the St. Herb Breast Mask that helps maintain your skin’s smooth texture. It is advisable to stay away from expensive laser treatments – they are not proven to be overly effective. 

Is There any Reason my Nipples Have Become Dark and Bumpy?

Yes, during pregnancy, your nipples react to the increased level of hormones and will often change in appearance. If your nipples appear darker, this may be due to the stimulation of pigment-producing cells – This is more pronounced if you have a darker skin tone. If the bumps on your nipples (Montgomery’s glands) appear more pronounced, this again is due to hormones and is a natural occurrence. Don’t worry though, the appearance of your nipples will return to normal several months after giving birth. 

How to Cope with Increased Breast Size

As many women know already, your breast size will undoubtedly increase during and after your pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is not a great deal you can do to combat this – It is a natural process. The only way you can limit this is to stop any additional weight gain that may occur due to your increased appetite etc. Consider your bra support. 

While these changes may seem quite alarming and daunting at first, you should embrace them as part of the motherhood process and remember that most of the changes are temporary and your breasts will look just as good as before in no time at all!

How to Deal with Your Vagina Odor Naturally and Quickly?

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How to Deal with Your Vagina Odor Naturally and Quickly?

No one likes to mention this out loud, but we thought we would approach feminine odor in a different way. When it comes to good vaginal health, there are several things you should know. There is no shame in talking about a woman’s sexual organs; it is natural, intelligent and helpful to keep our bodies in excellent working condition both inside and out.

So many women have experienced vaginal odor at inopportune times. Some women are hesitant to have sex, because they smell “fishy” down there and don’t want to offend their partner. Or they’re at the gym working out, and suddenly, that awful smell develops. You begin to feel as though anyone who passes by you can pick up on that malodorous scent, causing you anguish and zero self-confidence. You feel shameful and frustrated that you are the only one experiencing the problem. Your self-esteem can diminish, as well as your healthy sex life. Vagina odor can take the pleasure out of daily living.

This is a real problem that can affect teen girls, too, and often times they are afraid to tell their mom or sister about their embarrassing vagina odor. So, they sit in silence alone and cry. Let’s look at vagina odor and how it develops. Then we will offer a wonderful, natural solution for you. You won’t have to worry about this personal hygiene problem ever again, ladies!

All women, no matter their age or who they are, have a unique feminine scent. This scent fluctuates during the menstrual cycle and may alter depending upon hormone levels. The scent is coming from the vaginal secretions and can change throughout the month. Also, vaginas can sweat at any time, and that can happen with or without a menstrual cycle, even in menopause.

When perspiration occurs “down there,” dermatologists say the best thing you can do is keep yourself as dry as possible. So, if you’ve been exercising, change out of your sweaty workout gear and wash up as soon as you can and dry off. This will eliminate the vagina odor that is trapped inside with moisture and no place to release it. Vagina odor can also develop from other common factors. For instance, this unappealing scent can also come about through a pH imbalance, sexual intercourse and infection.

Most Advanced Natural Product For Eliminating Common Vagina Odor Instantly!

There are natural methods to eliminate vagina odor, but our unique product is superior over homemade remedies or those sold in drugstores containing potentially harmful chemicals. Think about it. Would you really insert something suspect into your precious bikini area, if you knew there were dangerous ingredients like dyes and perfumes being absorbed up into the walls of the vagina? We suspect you would not. Keeping your body healthy should always be taken into consideration.

St. Herb Cosmetics International Co., Ltd is a leading global brand that develops natural healthy lifestyle products through careful and thorough research. These safe formulas use the purity and effectiveness found in nature’s botanical extracts, including this gem called Pueraria mirifica. These amazing phytoestrogens help the vagina in numerous ways, like healing the sexual organ from annoying odor problems. It is a product that doesn’t contain suspect chemicals, so a woman can relax using St. Herb Lady Secret Serum for eliminating vagina odor.

Lady Secret Serum is quick and easy to apply and definitely discreet like its name. The serum is excellent for maintaining the proper pH balance in the vagina, because the botanical extract is both anti-inflammatory and hypo-allergenic. That means your body will be free of uncomfortable bacterial infections and itchiness. The serum is effective at getting rid of common, white mucous discharge a lot of women experience.

The advanced beauty technology used in the Serum even tones the texture of your vaginal tissue, making everything feel soft and smooth. Best of all, after applying Lady Secret Serum, you will feel instant freshness and cleanliness in your vagina. This is an economical method for fighting vagina odor daily, because it works, uses the highest technology in product development and does a far superior job than natural remedies.

Maintaining proper vaginal hygiene is essential all year round. Doctors also recommend wearing 100 percent cotton panties, because they are natural, breathable fabrics. Cotton panties allow for air circulation and help keep the vulva ventilated, putting a stop to excessive perspiration. Also, change tampons, pads and panty-liners frequently.

You don’t have to suffer in silence with vagina odor. It happens to the best of us, and now there’s a way to solve the problem. St. Herb Lady Secret Serum works and restores your self-confidence.

What is the Basic of Choosing Bras?

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Recent research in the field of breast care has found that many women wear the wrong bra size. In one study of women ages 18 to 26, researchers found that 80% wore incorrectly sized bras, and 70% of those were sized too small. Why do we buy bras that are too small? It could be because of cultural factors; we want to wear the “right” sized bra, the one that we heard a super model wears. We have certain numbers in our heads, and that is what steers our decision making process. It could also be that it can be difficult to choose the right fit. In this article, we will cover the basic of choosing a bra.

Good breast health has many factors: the way we care for our skin, the foods we eat, the supplements we take, and the clothing we wear. Tight, constricting bras can slow down the flow of the lymphatic system in our bodies. The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system, and plays a big role in our immune health. It is important that the lymph nodes in our bodies can drain properly. Over 85% of the lymph in the breasts drains to the armpits, and the rest drains to the breast bone. It is important for the lymph fluid in the body to be able to move, because its circulation is the way that it can do its job within the body. If we slow down that circulation with a bra that does not fit, the lymphatic system cannot do its job. A bra that doesn’t fit correctly could also lead to back pain or migraines.

There are several ways to discover your true bra size. You can either go to a store or have a consult with a professional, or you can use an at home calculation method.

1. If possible, go to a store that can help you figure out your true bra size. The store should have an associate that will take measurements around your breasts at their fullest point, as well as just below the breasts at your rib cage. The store will then tell you your bra size and help you find several that fit. Know what you are looking for and don’t get side tracked by the latest sales or buy a pushy sales person. Look for a bra without underwire that meets the needs you are looking for, whether it is for a special outing or for wearing each day.

2. If you cannot find a store that will measure you, you can do some simple calculations at home. But this method can work as a second healthy option. Again, it is best to go to a store and have a professional help you. To determine your bra size from home: Simply take a measuring tape and wrap it around the fullest part of your breast, and get a measurement in inches. This is your bust size. Next, take a second measurement, around your rib cage right below the breasts. This is your band size. Subtract the band size from your bust size, and then use that number to find your cup size. If the number is less than one, the cup size is AA. If the number is one, the cup size is A. If the number is two, the cup size is B, and so on. This letter, along with your band measurement (rounded to an even number) is the size bra you should look for.

The right bras not only promote for your health but also enhance your beautiful breasts. So look for the right ones for your long term breast health and beauty.

How to Stop Breast Ptosis from Attacking Early?

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The female Breast Ptosis is a part of the natural outcome of aging. However, there are times when the sagging of breasts seems to come early or to a higher degree than normal. Note that women value their appearance, and anything that might compromise the way they look could lead to disappointments. The breast of women seem to be one of the greatest concerns, and the society has placed a large significance on them so much that one would find products being sold to help deal with such issues. Before getting to use the products being sold, one should fully understand Breast Ptosis and the best approach to take.

Unlike most parts of the body, the breast does not have any muscle tissue, but it is full of connective and ligament tissues. Thus, after some time, gravity takes over, and these ligaments start to stretch. Thus, this is the reason women will find that just like the rest of their bodies, their breasts will also change as they grow older. The sad part is that this is a natural process that has to take place. However, women just like men are fixated with their breasts, and that is the reason they go to great length to make certain that their breasts stay in position. Though ptosis of the breasts cannot be prevented, it is best to learn how to keep it from starting early or sagging at a higher degree.

Do Exercise

Exercise is essential for people of all ages; it does not only help you keep fit, but also be healthy. It is also a way that you can use to make sure that your breasts are firm. If you are planning to drop some weight, it is paramount to keep your diet nutritious not only for the breast but also the body. One should avoid food that has lots of fats as they are known to cause the connective tissues to age.

Look for a Supportive Sport Bra

When one is exercising, they should wear the right gear. The one essential outfit that they should have is a supportive sport bra. When one is exercising there is a lot of stretches, moving up and down, and bouncing. Without the right bra, then the skin and ligaments will start to pull. Women who have large breasts should get one with more support since their breast bounces more and this puts more strains on their breasts.

Have a Professional Fitting Bra

When purchasing a bra, one has to make sure that they have gotten the right size. Most women are known to wear the wrong bra size. It is important to visit an expert to find out the right bra size. Other than the discomfort one experiences when wearing the wrong bra size, it also contributes to the sagging of breast. In addition to the right size, it should also be supportive as this is the first step to dealing with breast sagging issues.

Avoid Smoking

It is known that smoking is unhealthy for the body. However, some people still find that they cannot keep off the bad habit. If one is concerned about Breast Ptosis and she smokes, then this is yet another reason to keep off the tobacco as it causes the breast tissue to stretch. Smoking breaks down a protein known as elastin. Elastin is responsible for making the skin look youthful and also supports the breasts. Thus, passing on cigarettes means one is keeping the elastin, and your breasts will stay firm for a long time.

Avoid the UV Rays

It does not matter where you have them; sunburns are not fun. However, unlike the rest of the body where the effect fades away in just a few days, it has more adverse effects when it happens on your breasts. The rays are known to cause the breasts to drop down the line. Thus, when one is tanning using the UV light, they need to ensure that they have protected their breasts, to prevent the sagging of the breasts.

So let’s take care of your breasts now to prevent premature sagging conditions!

Easy Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer

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There are several tips that a woman can use when she is trying to take care of her breasts and prevent them from getting the cancer. Let’s learn the easy tips below to take care of your breasts now.

 First, go for exercise. The fat cells in the body are going to produce estrogen and estrogen has been linked to certain types of cancer. When a woman works out, then she can reduce the size of the fat cells to allow the body to produce less estrogen.

Second, eat some chocolate. There is an ingredient in dark chocolate that has the ability to fight the cancers that are known for growing very quickly.

Third, not go crazy if you happen to find a lump during your breast exam. But this also means that you do not need to act like it does not exist. Most of the time, the lump is going to be a sac that is filled with fluid or a cyst that happens when a woman’s hormones fluctuate.

Fourth, make sure that you are eating enough fruits and vegetables. This is because those are rich in carotenoids that serve as an antioxidant in the body, which lowers the chance of developing breast cancer.

Fifth, consume less alcohol. Women who drink more than three drinks a day increase their chances of developing breast cancer when compared to women who do not drink. Therefore, it is better to only drink one drink or nothing at all.

Sixth, make sure that you are sleeping at least six hours a night. This means that you will need to go to bed earlier. This will help to regulate the estrogen that your body is producing, which over time could cause a woman to have cancer in her breasts.

Seventh, eat foods that are rich in folic acid. If you do not have enough folic acid, then you will not be able to repair your DNA. And when your DNA is damaged, it increases your chances of having cancer. Some of the foods that you can eat are spinach, black eyed pears, cereals and grains that are rich in folic acid.

Eighth, practice to being calm. When a person is under stress, then it can cause them to drink or overeat. In order to relax, take deep breaths and watch a funny movie.

Ninth, eat some dark grapes as a snack. The grapes can help to protect a woman’s cells that could be damaged. They also have some heart benefits. It is best to eat some whole grapes or drink some grape juice that has not been sweetened.

Tenth, make sure that you know your body. Therefore, you will need to become very familiar with how your breasts should look and feel. This is the best way that you will be able to see if there are any changes in them like a lump.

Eleventh, make sure that you are maintaining a healthy weight. This is another thing that is going to cause your body to produce a lot of estrogen. Therefore, it is very important to stay in the healthy weight range.

Twelfth, get all of your screenings done on time. These screenings will include a breast exam and a mammogram. In your twenties and thirties, you need a breast exam every three years. In your forties and fifties, you will need a breast exam and mammogram especially if you have a family history of breast cancer.

It’s not that hard to take care of your breast health so let’s do it today for your healthiness and beautiful breasts.

Ways to Deal with Breast Perspiration Issue

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There is a close relationship between breasts and beauty. The assumption that the bigger the breasts, the better it is has been ongoing for a long time when it comes to beauty. This, however, is not factual as beauty means various things to different individuals. The one thing that is for sure is very few people understand the trouble that breasts cause. One significant concern that women especially those with big breasts have is dealing with breast perspiration. Sweaty breasts, other than making one feel uncomfortable, can also cause rashes and irritation if one is not cautious.

It can be embarrassing for one to walk around with a sweat stain showing on their top or blouse. Moreover, sweat is known to produce a foul smell. And if one is sweaty, it will give her a hard time when trying to associate with other people. Thus, this is the reason that you need to make sure that you have gotten your sweat situation under control. Doing this will ensure you are not embarrassed and will also help in boosting your confidence. Here are some methods and ideas that will help you deal with the breasts perspiration.

Wearing the right bra

If you want to stay clean and dry, the best way of doing this is getting the right bra. Other than the fact that it has to fit, you also need to make sure that it is padded and it is not too tight. Having your breasts squeezed is one thing that leads to sweating. This is the reason that you should ensure you have enough room for your breasts to breathe and for air to pass through. You should also avoid the lacey bras, especially during a hot season as this would lead to sweat flowing right through your outfit.


Did you know that there are companies that make antiperspirants to use on the breasts? If you had no idea, now you know. Just like applying the antiperspirant under your armpit, using this product under your breasts will stop the sweat. Note that this does not imply you will not sweat, you will. However, most antiperspirants have alcohol which helps the sweat dry out faster. Thus, it leaves you with a pleasant and refreshing feeling. You will not have to worry about sweat stain showing through your outfit.


Powder is another product that you can use to help with the issue of sweat. However, when you go to the market, you should not just pick any powder that you find on the shelves. Get the one that is specially made for the breasts. The product is known to help stop annoying chafing and sweat coming from the breast.


You can choose to insert some cloth or tissue under your breasts to prevent the sweat from soaking your undergarments or shirt. If you are uncertain about what to use, you can try the panty liner. This is a product that most women have in their bags. It is not expensive, and it works wonders when it comes to absorbing the sweat. In fact, it can keep you dry the whole day. If you are the type that perspires profusely, you need not to worry. All you have to do is change the liners regularly.

Argan oil

Argan oil is an antibacterial which can also help with the perspiration issues. All you have to do is apply a few drops under the breasts and between the cleavage, and you will not have to deal with sweat, sweat rings, and bad odor. The other reason that makes argan oil ideal is that it helps clear any rushes that you might be having on your breasts areas. It will leave your chest feeling fresh and comfortable all day long.

So now you don’t have to worry about breast perspiration anymore but be confident of your beautiful breasts!FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus

Breast Massage: For Healthy Breasts and Preventative Care

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As we all know, a massage provides amazing benefits for the body, and the breasts are no different. In fact, your breast health is directly related to a number of systems within the body, including the reproductive system. 

And you don’t have to be pregnant or nursing to reap the benefits of breast massage. A simple breast massage can prove beneficial for every woman for the transport of nutrients to the breasts, which in turn helps improve your overall well being, prevent breast abnormalities, such as lumps, tumors, and cancer, and keep your breasts functioning properly. 

Some other amazing benefits of breast massage include: 

Releases Environmental Toxins 

The breasts are one of the most concentrated lymphatic systems in the body, and similar to other lymphatic systems, environmental toxins are stored in the breast tissues, which over time can lead to breast issues. 

We are constantly exposed to thousands of toxins daily, including toxic metals and inorganic chemicals through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the substances we drink. Since the breasts don’t normally receive stimulation or exercise, it can keep your lymphatic system from draining properly. 

However, stimulating your breasts with massage helps release toxins and increase circulation, which ensures your breasts a healthy blood supply.

Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer

Nipple stimulation encourages the production of a valuable female hormone which is known to stimulate cells to rid cancer-causing toxins from the ducts, scientific research concurs. 

In addition, regular breast massage can alert you to changes in your breasts, so you can quickly take action to address unfavorable conditions. 

Helps Relieve Tender, Swollen Breasts, and Menstrual Cramps

Breast massage increases blood flow in the breasts, which has been shown to help decrease engorged or tender breasts, menstrual cramps, and discomfort from pregnancy, unblock plugged milk glands, and is even often recommended for post op mastectomy breast cancer survivors to help relieve pain. 

May Aid in the Prevention of Depression and Stress

Breasts and nipple massage is scientifically proven to help reduce stress and depression. Massage produces the hormone oxytocin, also known as the “feel good” hormone, which helps improve mood. 

May Contribute to a Youthful Appearance

Breast massage encourages the endocrine system to release a powerful combination of estrogen, Oxytocin, and Prolactin, also known as the youth hormones. In fact, for more than 2,000 years, women in Asia have incorporated the art of breast massage to stay healthy and young. 

With regular breast massage, your breasts can become your own fountain of youth. 

May Prevent Sagging Breasts

Breast massage tightens and tones the muscles and tendons responsible for breast length, which provides a natural way to combat against sagging. 

To perform a self breast massage, simply expose your breasts and apply a natural breast care product like, St. Herb Nano Breast Serum, which is specially formulated for natural breast care. 

Next, cup your breast then perform a pumping squeezing motion along with some soft circles, with the aim of maneuvering fluid toward your armpit-similar to giving yourself a self breast exam, only with rhythm. 

Or, simply cup your entire pectoral muscle with your hand, with your fingertips inside of your armpit and your thumb on the front of your breast. 

Softly squeeze your breast area in a rhythmic pumping motion, which helps clear the lymph from your armpit. 

Utilizing the same motion, work around the outside of the breast, beneath, then inner area around the nipple, and then back towards the armpit. The idea is to maneuver fluid from your breast to your armpit. 

Your breast massage should be viewed as a healthy way to connect with your body.

What is the Food for Bigger Breasts?

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Having a big breast is one of many girls’ needs. As we all want to look sexy and beautiful, this outstanding part has a large effect on our appearance and confidence. Many of you girls may think that doing the breast surgery is the best way to help you gain bigger boobs instantly, but the truth is you can actually enlarge your breast size by trying non-surgical options!

And one natural way you girls can do easily is eating healthy foods. Because necessary nutrients are important factors for your breast growth, you all have to make sure that foods you pick are proper enough for your breasts. Anyway, don’t worry if you are not sure what kinds of healthy foods you should eat to support the breast enlargement as this content has already provided the list of those foods for you!

  1. Soy products: Many of you girls may have heard a lot that these products are a great breast pumper and brightening skin booster. The fact that makes it well-known for this matter is the isoflavones which act like estrogens (hormones for breast tissue growth and youthful appearance). Even though there is no research guaranteeing that isoflavones in the soy can actually give the same effect like estrogen, soy products are still the recommended healthy foods to try when ladies think of enhancing their breasts!
  2. Oyster: If you are bored of eating shrimp or fish, order some oyster menus the next time you want to eat seafood! This is because oyster is high in manganese which is necessary for body system, and it offers the same result as estrogen and progesterone. Taking it regularly will be a great stimulation for the breast growth!
  3. Milk: Calcium is one of the best nutrients for breast enhancement purpose. Cow’s milk will provide you the natural estrogens, progesterone and prolactin which are particular hormones you need for this purpose. So drinking milk will not only promote your body growth or building stronger bones, but this beverage will also increase your breast cup and firm up the skin!
  4. Nuts: Looking for a healthy snack to eat during the day? Try roasted nuts like macadamias or almonds and you will never have to rely on chocolate again! Also, many types of nuts contain isoflavones, protein and monounsaturated fats which are the nutrients your breasts need for supporting the breast tissue growth. You can mix them in various dishes like salad, cereal or even soup. Enjoy your new choice of healthy menus and see your breast cup enlarge! 

Although many people choose to do the breast implant instead of relying on natural boosters, non-surgical options for breast enlargement are needed more for women nowadays. This is because doing the breast surgery does not only cost you lots of money, but it also comes with risks on side effects, chronic diseases and of course, a lot of pain you have to deal for months!

So if you are not that hurry, you can give a try on non-surgical options like eating healthy foods! Big beautiful breasts are easy to gain girls if you take care of your breasts properly with regular natural nourishment, and concerning on the nutrients you gain from each meal. Just remember girls, calcium and isoflavones are the key nutrients you should not miss! 

5 Habits to Help You Have Healthy Breasts

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Proper habits can help you have healthy young-looking breasts in many ways. When you think of healthy young breasts do you think of tight skin, a beautiful shape, and a breast that is healthy on the inside and out? Healthy, young breasts are about more than just the appearance. We want to address the ways that habits can impact your breast health on many levels. Here are five ways how habits impact breast health.

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

One aspect of keeping breasts healthy and young is cancer prevention. Studies have linked obesity to breast cancer. A great way to prevent obesity and therefor stay cancer-free is to get in the habit of physical exercise. Getting your body moving through a mix of cardiovascular exercise and weight training can keep your body weight in a healthy weight range, and therefor in help your breast tissue stay healthy!

2. Improve Body Confidence

The mind body connection has been proven scientifically. The thoughts that run through our heads and our emotional states create chemicals in the body. These chemicals can have health ramifications, such as the way elevated cortisol (a chemical associated with the stress response) levels over a long period of time have been linked to chronic illness such as heart disease and cancer. Likewise, the way you feel about your body and the thoughts that you have about yourself affect your body’s chemistry. When you exercise, you can improve your sense of self confidence and self worth. This leads to a healthier state for your body, including your breasts!

3. Stronger Pectoral Muscles Help Your Body Support Breasts

Each breast is comprised of specialized tissue and glands that sit on top of a muscular foundation. The foundation is called a “pectoral muscle”. This is the muscle on your chest wall on each half of your upper torso that the breast is attached to. When you do weight training that involves your pectoral muscles, you can strengthen these muscles so that they create a stronger foundation for your breasts. This helps your body support the breast tissue that you are carrying with you!

4. Cut Down On Body Fat

Regular physical exercise can help you have healthy breast structure because it can maintain the elasticity of your skin. Instead of gaining weight and then using a crash diet to lose it, regular exercise will keep your skin cells in a cohesive layer close to your muscles and fat. The stretches that occur with yoyo dieting can cause skin that appears loose and baggy. Maintain your weight with regular exercise, and your skin will stay smoother and tighter. However, if you find that you have gone through a diet and lost a lot of weight quickly, do not be discouraged. Our bodies grow new cells all of the time, and your skin will adapt to your new shape with time!

5. Perform a Better Posture

Healthy, young looking breasts are also tied to posture and the way a female body is aligned. When aging occurs, often the spine can begin to bend inwards in a “C” shape known as kyphosis. When you exercise and form a strong core and back muscles, you can keep your posture straight. This leads to the appearance of fuller, healthier breasts that maintain their young, perky qualities.

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes! It is a wonderful thing to accept and love your body the way it is. Show yourself some love and take care of your body and your breasts through these habits that will help you stay healthy and have beautiful breasts!

What are the Truths behind Big Breasts?

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While many women are dreaming of having bigger breasts, the others who were born with this large breast size are suffering from various annoying health problems. Possible health issues like backache and shoulder pain normally occur due to the weight of the breasts. Sagging breast condition is also one of the top problems almost all women with large breast face. Because of the gravity, big breasts will be forced to shrink and slope down. So under the need of women for having big beautiful breasts, there are many truths you all should learn about.

Do Men Prefer Big Breast Women?

The European research reveals in the journal “Evolution and Human Behavior” that having big breasts does not increase women’s charm or drive men’s mode wild, but it is all about the shape of their breasts instead. Some guys indicate that they normally concern on other factors that promote a long-term relationship such as personalities, lifestyle and attitudes. Sometimes, their taste of fashion is also important. Therefore, the myth about having big boobs enhance more chances on getting a date is already out!

What Can Be Proper Nourishment for the Big Breasts?

As big breasts are likely to sag easier than the smaller ones, the daily breast care is important. So if you are one who has the big breasts, it is necessary to find out proper nourishment for your cup size! Start by changing your eating habits. Foods with high fats or cholesterols should be avoided as they will increase more weight which affects on your breast tissue growth and worsen the problems. Daily breast massage is recommended as it will help reshape the breast curves and firm up the breast tissues so problems with sagging condition will be gone! And even buying a bra for large breast size is surely worth your invest. Do not think much about the styles and patterns, but concern about the ones comfortable for your cup size. A beautiful breast shape is the reward you will get!

Is Breast Reduction Surgery Necessary?

For someone, having big breasts not only diminishes their comfort and confidence, but also increases more risks on dangerous diseases and health problems. That is why the surgery is recommended by the doctor. However, it is your choice whether you need to rely on the surgery or not. If you have never done the breast implants before, you may wonder why your breasts are bigger than others. Actually, there are many reasons to explain. Obesity, pregnancy and exceed hormones usually make your breasts become bigger. However, controlling the diets and maintaining your weight can help reduce your breast size naturally. Add some chest workouts to your daily exercises also help burn out fats and excessive breast tissues which can be seen easily while wearing a bra.

When talking about breasts, size does not matter girls. Its healthiness and beautiful appearance are things to concern! Having big breasts may make you feel confident and sexy, but do not forget to take care of them properly because everything can change as the time goes by!


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