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Stherb develops your breast to their full potential.

Some women are naturally endowed with large and firm breasts. However, millions of women do not attain their full breast size because of hormone imbalance, dieting, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and stress.
Many of them resort to risky and expensive breast surgery. But you don’t have to! Stherb offers a safe and natural way to develop breasts to their full potential – without embarrassing doctor visits or surgery.
Stherb is rich in breast-enhancing compounds such as plant estrogens. Plant estrogens are very similar to the estrogen produced naturally by your own body. When breasts detect the high level of plant estrogens, they respond with visible changes such as:

– MAMMARY TISSUE GROWTH- LENGTHENING AND BRANCHING OF MILK DUCTS: Milk ducts end in clusters of lobules, which contribute to breast fullness.- MAINTENANCE OF COLLAGEN LEVELS: Promotes smooth and firm breast skin.- IMPROVING BLOOD CIRCULATION AND ESTROGEN: CONCENTRATIONS IN THE BREAST: Leading to buildup of fatty tissue in the breast.- INCREASE IN THE PRODUCTION OF GROWTH FACTORS: Growth factors help the development of younger skin and supporting tissues, which are required for breast firmness.


– Alleviates Menopause by supplementing natural estrogens.
– Improved emotional well-being.
– Reduces PMS symptoms.
– Promotes smoother skin, silky hair and strong, shiny nails.

In menopausal women, Stherb alleviates symptoms such as hot flush, improves skin tone and promotes firmer, younger-looking breasts.


– High concentration of plant estrogen is necessary to attain noticeable breast enlargement.
– Stherb contains a unique cultivar of Pueraria Mirifica, derived from many years of scientific research.
– The special cultivar in Stherb is the secret behind its high levels of phytoestrogens (such as isoflavones) and unique breast-enhancing compounds (deoxymiroestrol and miroestrol).
– These breast-enhancing compounds are more potent than soy isoflavones, alfalfa and other plant sources.
– Most manufacturers use different varieties of Pueraria Mirifica, containing varying levels of plant estrogens and other breast-enhancing compounds. These varieties have not undergone modern quality control or clinical testing. This often leads to inferior products with lower levels of plant estrogens or breast-enhancing compounds.
– Our special cultivar is grown organically in the largest Pueraria Mirifica farm in Thailand. We use only the best harvesting, extraction and GMP certified manufacturing practices to ensure optimum levels of natural plant estrogens


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